Summer Programme


Summer Programme

What we do

Taking advantage of the better weather and longer days, our Summer Programme includes guided walks and species identification events as we visit local areas of natural history and conservation interest.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Guided walks

Our guided walks take place in local areas with access to nature reserves and areas of conservation interest and are usually led by one of our members. You will be shown points of interest and aided with species identification.

Walks take place on different days of the week and usually take 1-2 hours.

Species Identification

Our species identification events are held on an ad hoc basis to study and record wild animals, birds, insects, plants and fungus
Recent events include:

  • bat walks
  • moth trapping
  • bird spotting and pond dipping
  • Bioblitz

For further information please refer to our future events list on the Home page.

View our Summer Programme